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COVID-19 and Spousal Support Obligations

The global economy was severely affected by business closedowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses in Pennsylvania and across the United States didn’t only close their doors but laid off employees. According to data from Pew Research Center, roughly 9.6 million U.S. workers lost their jobs during the COVID-19 downturn.

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How Does Remarriage Affect Your Divorce?

Remarriage is a growing trend in the United States. As humans, we have a desire to find companionship and love, regardless of the outcomes of our previous unions. According to Pew Research Center, among all adults who are presently married, about one-fourth (23%) have been married before

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If We Get a Divorce, Do I Have to Move Out?

Divorce can take a toll on a family—especially when there are children involved. The stress can build up, and it may seem like there is no end in sight. You may wonder: do you have to move out of your home?

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Common Misconceptions About Divorce & Family Law

There are a lot of misconceptions out there surrounding divorce and family law. In 2019, there were 2.6 divorces per thousand inhabitants in Pennsylvania. Whether you have heard horror stories from friends and family or seen a dramatization on TV, you may be going into your own divorce feeling nervous about the outcome. Knowing what you are about to go through is half of the battle. This is where a family law attorney comes in.

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Preparing for Divorce in Pennsylvania

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Health, there were 28,884 divorces and annulments in the state of Pennsylvania in 2020. If you are facing the difficult reality of divorce, you know that is an emotionally and logistically challenging path. The future may seem unclear and the present can feel like a labyrinth of changing circumstances.

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Will Infidelity Affect My Divorce?

Legal separation or divorce, whether it results from infidelity or another cause, is one of the most stressful situations a person can encounter. If you are forced to go through a divorce following infidelity, an experienced family law attorney can help you with asset division, spousal support, and other issues.

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Your Rights to Retirement Assets

You’re considering divorce, or you’ve already begun the process, or have been served papers by your spouse. You realize that there will have to be a division of assets, but you’re not sure how retirement plans are factored in. Are they just split 50/50?

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Finding Hidden Income & Assets

During a divorce, you may believe that your spouse could be hiding money or assets. If you have reasons to believe that your spouse is hiding assets or income from you, consulting with an experienced Pennsylvania family law attorney is important.

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What Is the Difference Between Moving and Relocation in Pennsylvania Child Custody Cases?

Many parents dream of moving out of state and starting a new life after divorce, but they actually end up staying in Pennsylvania indefinitely for their children’s sake.

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What Are a Lawyer’s Ethical Obligations to His or Her Clients?

It is normal to be upset if your divorce does not end the way you wanted it to. Maybe the judge awarded the lion’s share of the marital assets to your ex-spouse.

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